In recent times people have become health conscious. People worry about how they look, how to dress, etc.
More important, people especially women are worried about their figures. They all want to have size zero figure. Slim and trim.
Thanks to all Bollywood heroines, size zero is occupying mind on women of all ages. And to attain that size some take to crash diets, gym, and what not leading to health issues which they neglect.
Why can't people be happy with how they are? Why do men prefer to have wife or their girlfriends to be slim? Girls too prefer to be size zero. They look down at people who are bit healthy. Why?
But what they don’t realize is that is the reason of weakness, failing health, bone issues, list is endless…
You need not be size zero or double size. But what is important is that you remain healthy and disease free. That’s what is important. What will you achieve if you have hour glass figure but constantly keep falling sick?
But yes being overweight or obese is also not good. You need to maintain your health. That is important not the size. Unless you are happy with yourself, no one will see your positive attitude, your inner beauty. External beauty fades away, what remains is inner beauty.
Be happy with the way you look. Remaining fit is necessary but don’t make it an obsession.
Eat healthy and remain fit.

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